Supporting Neurodivergent Students in Medical Education

Neurodivergent students bring unique perspectives and strengths to medical education. Their diversity necessitates a variety of accommodations tailored to individual needs, which may extend beyond the specific strategies discussed in this article. Ensuring an inclusive and supportive environment for neurodivergent students not only benefits them but enriches the learning experience for all. Below are strategies […]
The Case for Change: Concerning Aspects of Deficit-Based Language in Education

Language is a potent force that shapes perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in all facets of life, including education. In the realm of pedagogy, the choice of language holds particular significance as it can either empower or disempower learners. While deficit-based language has historically been used in educational contexts to identify areas of weakness or need, […]
Ensure that students know how to prepare for medical school

It is the responsibility of medical institutions to take measures that ensure that medical students know how to prepare for medical school.
Medical Knowledge Abundance is Upon Us

Increasing knowledge demands that medical education prepares healthcare professionals for future emerging information technologies.
How to Teach Surgery

A surgeon or a physician with specialized training in operational
techniques performs surgery and has the responsibility to teach surgery through various teaching methods.
How to Improve Medical Education

Improving medical education is essential for our health-care system to ensure that patients receive the best possible health care.
History taking: is it science… or art?

With history taking, even if the history is taken by the same clinician from the same patient, it might change according to the occasion.
Interrogating medical trainees in ward rounds: Fear and the Socratic method

Fear-inducing interrogation of students has been seen as one of the main sources of bullying in medical school.