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Physical Exam & the Physical Environment, Medical Literacy Activity Book

Physical Exam & the Physical Environment, Medical Literacy Activity Book



Physical Exam & the Physical Environment, Medical Literacy Activity Book is a compilation of 144 worksheets along with their answer keys. This book is also available on and

About this book

This activity book is intended to introduce medical concepts and literacy to learners ages 12 and up. Additionally, the exercises in this book promote reading, writing, logic and reasoning skills because medical learners should also learn how to think, not only what to think. The purpose of this book is not to make the learner proficient in the medical material and skills, but to provide a first exposure.

This book Physical Exam & the Physical Environment explores the medical approach to examining the physical body and also how the physical environment affects our bodies. It covers the material equivalent to a small course in medical school, minus the hands-on instruction, and contains examples, analogies, and artistic or creative representations to depict concepts in ways that are easy to understand. Learners will find it helpful to look up images or videos of the topics covered in order to see real life examples.

This book is a prototype or a beta version because it is the first physical exam book for kids and was created using an assortment of illustrations in different styles from the graphic design program Canva. The author intends for future attempts to create a similar book to improve upon this work.


“This book gave me so many ideas on how to improve health literacy in my own community.” -Monica, Registered Nurse

“The refugee family we sponsored has a 14-year-old daughter who now really wants to be a doctor. She was very happy to start learning.” -Dr. Wat, Physician

“This workbook is actually great for us to use as a recap or way to understand the topics we learn about. I want to use this during my shifts brush up my knowledge” -Erica, Paramedic

Book Title: Physical Exam & the Physical Environment, Medical Literacy Activity Book

Author: Joan Tu

Publication Date: May 3, 2022

ISBN: 979-8-8171304-7-8

Page Count: 182

Format: Paperback, Soft Cover

This book is in: Colour

Ages: 12+ (difficult vocabulary)

Copyright 2022, Myrimaven Publishing

No part of this publication may otherwise be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. This publication contains FREE images from Canva per Canva’s Content License Agreement. Copyright has been registered for these resources in Canada and the United States.


Physical Exam & the Physical Environment, Medical Literacy Activity Book is also available on and

This book is a Authenticated™ and Reviewed™ product. ReviewedTM

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